Bennington & M. Shinoda (of Linkin Park) ft. Hydroponikz "Hardly Breathe"
こちらは、Linkin Park のみの「Hardly Breathe」 リンキンらしいカッコ良さと切なさが出ています
Lyrics: I can't seem to focus, It's hopeless unless the sky opens, Look you in the eyes and all I see is a blur hopin, That my previous mindstate; could be resurrected, To the old me; it's like you had me injected with imperfection, How could you be so reckless? I initially meant it, Seems like you put your effort into me, what am I left with? Nothin' but a canvas with a black and white portrait, Of me and you, in a burnin' garden of scorchin' orchids. Simple beauty that's bein torn down by your power, That constantly pounds on my soul hour after hour, Now I can hardly breathe, get rid of these memories, Continually haunting me, Cant change who I've come to be, The darkness only ends as soon as you open your eyes, And you hope to realize that hope is cloaked in disguise, Again I look you in the eyes and all I see is a blur, But when I look in the mirror I can see who you were.
Nothing I can say or do, Will take away what I've been through, What you were is what I've come to be, Nothing you can say to me, Will take away these memories, What you were is what I've come to be!
(what I've come to be x2)
The sky opens wide, to swallow me again, Once I am inside, I'm lost and cant pretend, These pictures in my mind, are not a part of me, These memories hold me tight, till I can hardly breathe
I can hardly breathe (breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe...) x2
I can hardly stop the memories..
Nothing I can say or do, Will take away what I've been through, What you were is what I've come to be, Nothing you can say to me, Will take away these memories, What you were is what I've come to be!
(what I've come to be x2)
(Hardly breathe) (Memories) (Haunting me) (Come to be) x2
Now I can hardly breathe, get rid of these memories, Continually haunting me, Cant change who I've come to be x4
(I can hardly breathe.....) (I can hardly stop the memories..) Now I can hardly breathe, change who I've come to be.
Nothing I can say or do, Will take away what I've been through, What you were is what I've come to be, Nothing you can say to me, Will take away these memories, What you were is what I've come to be!
今日ご紹介する曲はザ・ナショナル (The National) の新曲です(^_^) アメリカのインディー・ロックバンドで、1999年にオハイオ州シンシナティで結成され、現在はニューヨークのブルックリンを拠点に活動しているバンドです。 2016年にはレオナルド・ディカプリオ主演の映画『レヴェナント 蘇えりし者』のサウンドトラックをドイツのエレクトロニック・アーティストのカーステン・ニコライや坂本龍一と共作したことが話題となりました。
2017年末に7thアルバム『Sleep Well Beast』をリリース。 同アルバムで第60回グラミー賞の最優秀オルタナティブ・ミュージック・アルバム部門を受賞し、最優秀レコーディング・パッケージ部門にもノミネートされた。 更に全英チャートでは第1位、全米チャートでは第2位に輝いたほか、各メディアのベスト・アルバム・オブ・ザ・イヤーにも選出され、辛口評価で知られる米音楽メディアPitchforkでもBest New Trackを獲得、ここ日本でも高く評価された。
今回公開されたニューシングル「You Had Your Soul With You」は、ニューアルバムのオープニング・トラックとなる。約20年間にわたりデヴィッド・ボウイのベーシストを務めたゲイル・アン・ドロシーがボーカルとしても参加している。BEATINK.COMより引用